Jonas Mekas starb am 23.01.2019 im Alter von 96 Jahren.
Unser Beileid gilt seiner Familie, Freunde und Weggefährten.
Unser einziger Film, den wir von unserer letzten Begegnung
mit diesem genialen Künstler und Filmemacher (und Anarchisten!) machen durften, verlinken wir hier.
Eigentlich wollten wir ihn einmal mit unserer Kamera in seinem Kino und in seinem Film-Archiv in New York besuchen...
Gründer des Anthologie Film Archive kam 2015 nach Hamburg in den Golden
Pudel Club zur Lesung seines damals frisch gepressten Buches "Scrapbook
of the Sixties" - erschienen im Spector Verlag.
Gute Reise Jonas Mekas!
Jonas Mekas (filmmaker, poet, author) reads out of his new book:
(Tonight - 3.october 2010 - 21:00 - will be the premiere of Peter Sempels Film "animals of art - Die Ameise der Kunst" at the Metropolis Cinema in Hamburg)
Here is it! with english subtitles: The short nonfictionfilm with and about Peter Sempel at his exhibition in the Kunstverein Hamburg at 17. september 2010 - with a speech by Florian Waldvogel and Peter Sempel himself.
Peter Waldvogel: "Sempel's films are a kind of a memory-theater, his personal way to understand film-making. He considers his film-collages as an essential expression of a specific form of tradition, which deals with the anarchistic, tentative and improvised elements of the early results of photo- and film-making..."
Thanx Peter Sempel`s secret assistant for the english translated subtitles!
a nonfiction-film by Skrollan Alwert for Feuerloescher TV
with impressions of his exhibition in the Kunstverein Hamburg
with a speech by Florian Waldvogel and Peter Sempel himself.
>> "Sempel's films are a kind of a memory-theater, his personal way to understand film-making. He considers his film-collages as an essential expression of a specific form of tradition, which deals with the anarchistic, tentative and improvised elements of the early results of photo- and film-making..." << F. Waldvogel
for this film thanx Peter Sempels secret assistant for the english translation of the subtitles and the Kunstverein for the secret drehgenehmigung. ; )