A Talk about filmmaking, feminism, sexism, ageisms? and women careers and life - in a mens dominated (business) world, watched back to the past (beginning of emancipation) until the present time (the so called "me too time").
The german filmmaker Ula Stoeckl is still working as a professor for film at the university of Florida yet! The Filmmaker`s Talk was organised by and @ the 35. KFF Hamburg
Talkmaster: Natascha Geier
This is an unofficial onetake of the talk with Ula Stoeckl and Erika Lust
recorded and edited by shedrives.
hand-cam-Ontake-Lenght: 54:55:04
Format: Full HD
Date: 8.June 2019
Location: Hamburg (shortfilm festival center)
Ula Stoeckl and Erika Lust talked with Natascha Geier
@ 35. KFF Hamburg.
A Talk (in english) about filmmaking, feminism, sexism, ageisms? and women`s careers and lifes in a man`s dominated (film-business) world, looked back to the past (beginning of emancipation) until to the present time (the so called "me too times").
The german filmmaker Ula Stoeckl is still working as a professor for film at the university of Florida yet!
Erika Lust is a Award-winning erotic film director, author, mother, and blogger based in Barcelona.
Natascha Geier is a german cultural journalist and television writer.
Onetake-Lenght: 54:55:04
Date: 8. June 2019
Location: Hamburg (shortfilm festival center)
recorded and edited by shedrives
Published first @ Feuerloescher TV
noncommercial, independent since 2004
Thanx for watching us!
Aktualitätenfilme 2.0 aus Hamburg
Sonia Kennebecks Dokumentarfilm "National Bird" läuft momentan in den deutschen Kinos. Die Diskussion um die fliegenden Killermaschinen bekommt damit neuen Stoff.
In einemInterview mit Tilo Jung erzählt Kennebecku.a. überihre Recherche, die Filmproduktion, die Whistleblower und Opfer und die alltägliche Angst der Kindervor dem Himmel über Afghanistan. Terror gegen den Terror. ?
Zum Thema Drohnen-Krieghier ein Hinweis zu RAMSTEIN:
Vanessa Hafenbrädl: "Das Video entstand an der alten Grundschule in Moorburg unter top Vorraussetzungen. Danke an alle die dabei waren. Gedreht mit Canon 60 d und Canon 5d .
Einige Sequenzen sind Dank Magic Lantern mit echter Langzeitbelichtung im Bewegtbild entstanden. Kein Bild ist ausschließlich am Rechner generiert worden. Darstellerin: Philine Dahlmann und Klaudia Kapellmann. Al of it all: Katharina Hutterer"
(Tonight - 3.october 2010 - 21:00 - will be the premiere of Peter Sempels Film "animals of art - Die Ameise der Kunst" at the Metropolis Cinema in Hamburg)
Here is it! with english subtitles: The short nonfictionfilm with and about Peter Sempel at his exhibition in the Kunstverein Hamburg at 17. september 2010 - with a speech by Florian Waldvogel and Peter Sempel himself.
Peter Waldvogel: "Sempel's films are a kind of a memory-theater, his personal way to understand film-making. He considers his film-collages as an essential expression of a specific form of tradition, which deals with the anarchistic, tentative and improvised elements of the early results of photo- and film-making..."
Thanx Peter Sempel`s secret assistant for the english translated subtitles!
a nonfiction-film by Skrollan Alwert for Feuerloescher TV
with impressions of his exhibition in the Kunstverein Hamburg
with a speech by Florian Waldvogel and Peter Sempel himself.
>> "Sempel's films are a kind of a memory-theater, his personal way to understand film-making. He considers his film-collages as an essential expression of a specific form of tradition, which deals with the anarchistic, tentative and improvised elements of the early results of photo- and film-making..." << F. Waldvogel
for this film thanx Peter Sempels secret assistant for the english translation of the subtitles and the Kunstverein for the secret drehgenehmigung. ; )